Chips & Technologies Inc, San Jose unveiled an unprecedented number of new products and services for the personal computer industry at Fall Comdex/89, highlighted by a joint venture with IBM on Micro Channel bus-mastering devices. The company also has new graphics controllers for both portable and desktop computers, new system logic chips for AT and Micro Channel computers and products for mass storage and communications – and showed off several technologies that it is considering for future products. The 82C614 Bus Master Adaptor MicroChip co-developed with IBM is a single VLSI device designed to make it easy for third parties to bring bus mastering boards to market. The 82C456 is second generation VGA liquid crystal diode display controller for laptops that offers 64 gray scales to bring near photographic image quality to flat panel displays in laptops. The 82C426 is a CGA-compatible controller for colour LCD displays. The 82C578 is a single-chip 3270 Controller – National Semiconductor Corp has something along those lines already – but the Chips & Tech device is described as a 10 MIPS RISC designed specifically for building low cost 3270-compatible terminals. The firm gave no prices or availability for any of the new products but says Compaq is now a customer.