PC shipments in the China market have surpassed those of the US in the second quarter of 2011, as per final results from the International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Quarterly PC Tracker.

Compared to 17.7 million units worth $11.7bn in the US, around 18.5 million units worth $11.9bn shipped in China during the quarter.
China represented 22% of the global PC market’s unit shipments compared to the US at 21%.

On a full year basis, IDC still expects the US to remain the largest market in 2011, with 73.5 million units forecast to be shipped in the US versus 72.4 million in China.

Holiday season buying in the US is expected to keep it ahead of China in the fourth quarter, especially as China’s market contracts after its third quarter summer promotions.

IDC does not expect China to exceed the US in full year shipments until 2012, when 85.2 million units are forecast to be shipped in China and 76.6 million units in the US.

IDC Greater China Research VP Kitty Fok said there are of course still risks ahead for China, including not just inflation but also the impact of economic conditions in the US and Europe.

"But in the meantime, the Chinese government’s 12th Five-Year Plan should help large enterprises in various infrastructure verticals to continue to move along, not to mention of course the ongoing efforts to increase consumer penetration in lower-tier cities," Fok said.

Worldwide PC Tracker Program VP Loren Loverde said China’s lead in the PC market is a huge shift that reflects the rising fortunes of emerging markets as well as the relative stagnation of more mature regions.

"While the immediate economic circumstances in the US and other markets had a significant impact on the timing of China’s move to the lead, they have not changed the trend, but accelerated it," Loverde said.