Cisco, Deutsche Telekom and chipmaker Intel have announced Challenge Up!, a joint Internet of Things (IoT) accelerator programme for start-ups belonging to the EMEA region.

The programme aims to help start-ups with their products and services through joint projects, mentoring, high-value networking and corporate assets.

With ‘Challenge Up’ a few of the start-ups will receive strategic investment and support to commercialise their products to the global market.

The programme is designed specifically for early-stage start-ups that are working towards creating solutions for the Internet of Things including smart solutions, smart energy, connected cars, smart city, and wearable devices.

‘Challenge Up’ will include Acceleration Week, sponsored by Cisco EIR, Intel Business Challenge Europe and hub:raum, followed by a 4-month incubation programme backed by Deutsche Telekom, Cisco, and Intel.

Start-ups can sign up for the programme until May 25th for free and keep their own intellectual property.

Deutsche Telekom Europe B2B SVP Elias Drakopoulos said: "With Challenge Up! We are giving a great signal to the startup world, bringing together the resources and know-how of three corporations.

"We will use our combined experience for the benefit of the Challenge Up! program and the support of the startup community."

Cisco Data & Analytics VP Mike Flannagan said: "With an expected 50 billion things connected to the Internet by 2020, the Internet of Everything opens up great opportunities.

"To help better address these opportunities, Challenge Up! brings together the best of the technology world in an ecosystem of open innovation."