SoluConseil, which is based in Quebec City and Montreal, employs 55 professionals providing IT, business process, and management consulting, mainly to the local Quebec government. It claims to generate around CAD 6m ($4.4m) annually, with an order backlog worth CAD 4m ($2.9m).

Although the acquisition is partly driven by the integration of Cognicase, it is still a good example of CGI’s strategy to continue to grow through acquisition, a core strategy for the company.

CGI has bought 57 companies in the past 17 years. Over 2002 alone, the company increased its number of employees by 10,000 to 30,000 in total through its acquisitions, which included Canadian software and services rival Cognicase Inc, management consultancy Cornerstone, insurance underwriting firm INSpire and business process outsourcing firm UAB. However, CGI claims that despite this amount of acquisition, 60% of the company’s growth over the past decade has been organic.

Source: Computerwire