According to the company, Version 3 has introduced a new language to the technology, with a simpler syntax and sophisticated pattern description features. It is expected to provide the technology to manage essential large scale infrastructure and resource clouds of the future.

According to the company, cfengine 3 is expected to work side-by-side with existing versions of cfengine to provide a minimum-disruption, incremental upgrade path to existing users.

Thomas Ryd, CEO of Cfengine, said: With probably a million existing cfengine installations already worldwide, this major upgrade will have a big impact in improving data center operations at some of the largest data centers in the world. Cfengine 3 now integrates a knowledge engine based on ISO standard Topic Maps making it easier than ever to follow the strategic intentions behind data centers operations. Cfengine ties IT and business-processes together in a way many companies and compliance-auditors will find powerful and appealing.