Centregold Group Plc chairman Geoff Brown dismissed speculation that the Birmingham computer game supplier is close to a stock market flotation as just jungle drums in the city. Brown said the games market is a cash-draining business, and he has consulted securities house Smith New Court about possible ways of raising capital. He said the options are a flotation, or selling equity to either a merchant bank or a private investor: Any decisions we make will be rolled into next year. US Gold is the publishing side to the nine-year-old company and imports videos and computer games, selling them through the Centresoft Ltd distribution arm, which also markets games from Sega Enterprises Ltd and Nintendo Co Ltd through retail chains and independents. The business doubled last year, with profits at UKP1.7m and turnover at UKP55m. Brown said he expects rapid growth from Inter Business Division, the Centresoft subsidiary which sells Amstrad Plc modems and business programs.