The Spanish software engineering company, Centre de Calculo de Sabadell SA saw profits increase by 49.1% in 1989, the company’s best ever year. During the year, it established an agreement with the Italian company Siaer SpA for the sale of management products and an agreement with CICS and Promosoft, two Portuguese companies, with the aim of setting up bases in Lisbon and Orporto. It also contacted companies in Britain, France, West Germany and the Soviet Union to discuss collaboration. Turnover last year was at $61.5m and the company forecast a 1990 turnover of $78m, breaking down into 55.9% software, 26.2% customised services and 17.9% services. It is increasing 1990 investment to $10m compared with 3.8m in 1989 with $4.5m for research and development, $5.2m for infrastructure.