Polish state-owned phone company TPSA and its foreign partners in the Centertel SA mobile phone joint venture have reached agreement after the long row over power-sharing. The foreigners, France Telecom and Ameritech Corp agreed to meet TPSA’s demands for a bigger say in the company, it said and added that Centertel’s new general director, whose post has been vacant for more than a year due to the conflict, is likely to be appointed within a few days. TPSA and Centertel also clinched a vital agreement on interconnection charges to TPSA’s network – the agreement will be signed after the chief executive is appointed. Ameritech and France Telecom have started intenational arbitration proceedings against Poland’s government, saying that back in 1991 they were promised a Groupe Speciale Mobile license and the goverment said the promise was not legally binding (CI No 2,982). The companies were not available for comment on how the apparent reconciliation between TPSA and Centertel would affect the proceedings.