CensorNet has been acquired in a closed deal by a group of industry veterans, led by new CEO and chairman, Ed Macnair.

Acceleration of product development is the focus of the acquisition, including the roll out of a new cloud security offering in April 2015.

Macnair, who previously was founder and CEO of SaaSID, is joined by board directors Dr Steve Garnett, Craig Probert and Tim Cagle.

Ed Macnair, CEO and chairman of CensorNet, comments: "Organisations demand greater visibility to understand and manage the security risks posed by users’ accessing the web and cloud applications. Today’s cloud security solutions need to be able to provide in-depth discovery capabilities and detailed analytics around internet and web application usage as well as providing robust security to protect against web-bourne threats. CensorNet is well-positioned to help organisations address these challenges and we are passionate about the opportunity to bring this exciting technology to a wider market."

CensorNet gives organisations the power to address productivity, security and audit issues associated with the growing use of mobile devices and helps them safely implement BYOD (bring your own device) initiatives into the business.

"CensorNet’s proposition will undoubtedly appeal to MSPs. Many already offer hosted email services but not many vendors offer white-label ready web security services. Our cloud security platform is specifically designed for MSPs who want to complement their existing cloud services portfolio with an offering that allows them to not only manage but also provide greater visibility of their customer’s web access and application use regardless of location. Having worked with many MSPs in my previous roles, I am looking forward to forging new partnerships with CensorNet", says Macnair.