Catapult Technology, a provider of IT and management consulting services for the federal government, has extended its contract with the US Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, with a combined value of $770,000.

The new extension is expected to bring three more task orders to Catapult, making a total of nine awarded under this contract for activities including management consulting, IT and financial services. Catapult is the prime contractor on this five-year contract.

On these task orders, Catapult said that it will: provide fiscal year end support and document the standardized operating procedures for the Rural Development’s (RD’s) office of the deputy CFO in St Louis, Missouri; provide support for the RD’s budget division in Washington, DC in responding to the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) audit; design and build cash flow models for the credit reform staff and build a management information system that will maximize the automation in the budget division processes and will centralize the data source.

The contract was originally awarded in 2006. The latest three task orders bring Catapult’s billings on this project to $2.8 million with a contract ceiling of $3.5 million.

Randy Slager, CEO, chairman, and founder of Catapult Technology, said: The RD contract demonstrates Catapult’s ability to assess and determine what’s feasible on a particular project, and then leverage our strengths to achieve the client’s goals. We’re managing our own in-house staff as well as subcontractors to seamlessly integrate a timeline and management plan. The additional task orders show our success in working in partnership with the RD.