There are three packages: Rapid Portfolio Assessment, Rapid Audit, and Rapid Documentation. The Rapid Portfolio Assessment package is aimed at bid managers who need a rapid evaluation of the application portfolio. It assesses key data such as functional size, technical size, maintainability, and quality indicators, and presents it in a web-based dashboard format.

The Rapid Audit package enables quality assurance departments to perform technical audits covering all of the source code across all tiers of the applications. It delivers key standard compliance ratios in terms of architecture, best practices, performance, documentation, and naming conventions.

The Rapid Documentation package produces technical documentation on the architecture and inner structure of applications, including graphical views of the inter-dependencies between artifacts. This information is particularly useful when reacting to change requests or when performing emergency bug fixes, according to Cast.

Taken together, Cast said the applications management software delivers a fact-based snap-shot analysis of a software application in a matter of days, and with the promise of an immediate pay-back.

Founded in 1990, Cast claims 2,000 customers worldwide, served by 180 employees in 12 offices in the USA and Europe. Headquartered in Paris, France, the company has been listed on the Euronext since 1999.