Case Group Plc has failed to agree terms with its US partner, Telemet, which pioneered radiotext services in the US, and its proposed data transmission service using the unused sidebands of the FM broad-casts transmitted in the London area by Capital Radio Plc and LBC, London Broadcasting Company is still not up and running. The Independent Broadcasting Authority has therefore decided to readvertise the licence and has invited new applications, which have to be in by Guy Fawkes Day, Monday, November 5. The other licence holder is Independent Radio Features Ltd, which is effectively LBC, in conjunction with Telerate, which started a service in April 1987. Capital Radio uses the 95.8MHz frequency and LBC uses the 97.3MHz. The idea is to supply information that needs to be frequently up-dated, such as currency and interest rates and share prices. Case may reapply with a new partner.