Carillion’s joint venture with Telent has signed £500m support services contract extension to help in delivering its Broadband Delivery UK (BDUK) programme to 33 Local Authority regions.

As part of the extended deal, Carillion Telent JV will be teasked with delivering deliver civil engineering, cabling, poling and other infrastructure services for the following three and a half years.

Carillion chief executive Richard Howson said the company has extended its relationship with BT with this contract for BDUK.

BT has received contracts from Local Authorities across the UK to offer broadband access within their areas, while the BDUK programme is aimed at improving UK’s broadband network as well as provide super fast broadband available to rural communities.

The BDUK programme will improve broadband network in the UK especially provide superfast broadband to rural communities.

Last month, British internet service provider (ISP) TalkTalk accused BT of implementing ‘accounting tricks’ to transfer about £120m of costs onto customer broadband bills this year.

The allegations came from TalkTalk as BT prepared to boost prices for its own retail customers by 6.5% in January 2014, quoting its multibillion-pound investments in superfast broadband and also to gain privileges to broadcast football event.