In collaboration with six other companies, Cap Gemini Sogeti SA is in the process of installing a SAP AG R/2- and R/3-under-Windows NT competence centre in Houston, Texas, where it will offer several different services around SAP’s R/2 and R/3 products. Cap Gemini said it decided to set up the centre in order to exploit its Windows NT-based SAP AG offering, which it has developed over five years of partnership with the Walldorf software major. Its service provider partners include Microsoft Corp, Compaq Computer Corp, SAP AG, AT&T Corp and Data General Corp. The centre will feature a new service, provided jointly with Gemini Consulting’s business re-engineering specialists, called concurrent transformation, which aims to bring the customer a short-term return on investment. The company also announced an international strategic alliance with Baan International BV for information services. Under the agreement, Cap Gemini becomes a member of Baan’s Triton Partner Programme, and will get technical and sales support from Baan to train its systems integration specialists fully on Baan’s product family.