Candle Corp swears it didn’t get an offer for its Omegamon business from Computer Associates International Inc even though our sources say Candle chairman Aubrey Chernick turned down an approach for the mainframe systems management software.

Clearly, there are always deals on the table but it usefully underlines Candle’s current dilemma as it tries to decide what it wants to be, a systems management company for the internet age or an EAI enterprise application integration vendor. Candle might claim the two are not incompatible and there’s certainly an opportunity – however, to maximize it, the two meals may have to be cooked separately.

The company’s Roma messaging integration framework, which will be the key ingredient, began life as a simple API for integrating IBM MQSeries with Microsoft MSMQ but has swollen into something now not so clearly defined. Is it a full EAI engine, a middleware hub or API bridge? It’s testing the waters with analysts.