Businesses are increasingly seeing the potential for media tablets in the workplace, in sales, in the C-suite, and with field worker, though they are predominately a consumers’ market and represent a small portion of the media tablet market to date, according to a latest report by International Data Corporation (IDC).

The report, Buyer Behaviour Part 1: How Canadian Businesses Buy Media Tablets, analyses business end users’ thoughts, perceptions, and intentions with respect to media tablets in Canada and reveals that the opportunity and potential for these devices to transform the enterprise is huge.

The study reveals that a large number of Canadian organisations will carry out pilots and trials in this year and some devices have already been developed and used by companies with the increase in the common trend, BYOD (bring your own device).

It points out many organisations are still unsure of the important role of Media tablets in business and offers essential guidance for vendors and other businesses looking to understand end users’ requirements to grow in this market.

IDC consulted business and IT executives in Canada and carried out interviews with vendors and retailers as well as end users in a variety of different vertical markets to understand their perception of the role of the media tablet in their work and how they see the market growth in the future.

The study shows that the top selection criteria for media tablets among Canadian businesses included quality, reliability and ease of integration with back-end IT systems and 21% of businesses agree that employees are the primary channel for introducing media tablets into their companies.

This study forms the first part of a two-part series, that looks at the media tablet usage in Canada and focuses on the business user, while the second part will focus on the consumer and is expected to be published in the fourth quarter of 2011.