California Micro Devices has unveiled new small outline ESD (electrostatic discharge) protection device CM1242-33CP, which is suitable for space constrained applications in multimedia smart phones, netbooks and MIDs (mobile internet devices), e-book readers and personal media players.

The company said that the new device provides a single channel of bi-directional +/- 30kV contact ESD protection in a compact outline (0.6mm x 0.3mm). With low dynamic resistance specification of 0.4 Ohm, it features a lower clamping voltage and more ESD protection.

According to California Micro Devices, features of the new offering include, 0201 standard package (0.6mm x 0.3mm); bi-directional +/- 30kV contact discharge ESD protection per IEC61000-4-2 standard; low clamping voltage of +/- 8.6V; and low dynamic resistance, typically 0.4 Ohm.

The company claims that ESD protection device is only effective if it can shunt the majority of an ESD strike’s energy to ground. This ability is a function of the protection device’s dynamic resistance, which should be as low as possible.

If the ESD protection device has a high dynamic resistance, energy that normally would be channeled through the ESD protection device will instead be allowed to reach the device under protection (DUP), resulting in a higher probability of damage, the company added.