The action was filed on behalf of all California resident minors (under the age of 18) who smoked one or more cigarettes between April 2, 1994, and December 31, 1999, and who were exposed to the defendants’ marketing and advertising activities in the state during that period.

The Court’s decision recognized that our advertising is protected by the First Amendment, said Martin Holton III, senior vice president and general counsel for RJ Reynolds. It is a guiding principle of our company that we do not want minors to smoke, and we advertise our brands only to adult smokers.

According to RJ Reynolds, an indirect subsidiary of Reynolds American, in its ruling, the State Supreme Court stated that the free speech guarantee of the First Amendment applies: Defendants’ cigarette advertising concerns lawful activity because it is addressed to adults who can legally purchase and use cigarettes.

RJ Reynolds’ brands include Camel, Kool, Pall Mall, Winston, Salem and Doral.