Beaverton, Oregon-based Cadre Technologies Inc has introduced TeamworkFortran Rev, a tool for reverse engineering Fortran programs: it graphically reveals the structure of existing software, and through integration with Cadre’s Teamwork family of computer-aided software engineering products, it is claimed to ease the transition from traditional engineering environments into computer-aided ones; it automatically generates Teamwork Structured Design charts from Fortran source files, and these charts can be displayed graphically in Teamwork/SD, incorporated into documentation or printed directly; Teamwork/Fortran Rev supports most industry-standard dialects of Fortran, the language extension implemented on Sun Microsystems Inc, Digital Equipment Corp, Hewlett-Packard Co Apollo and IBM Corp workstations and several mainframe and Cray Research Inc extensions; the tool has pre-processor support to assist with uncommon dialects and a published open interface between its Fortran language parser and structure chart generator for users that need to reverse engineer custom or proprietary languages; in addition, Teamwork/Fortran Rev on VMS interfaces to the VAX VMS Source Code Analyzer to provide support for programs written in VAX Basic, VAX Bliss-32, VAX Macro, VAX Pascal, VAX PL/I and VAX C; the entry price for Teamwork/Fortran Rev is $9,700, and it is available on Sun, DEC VMS, DEC Ultrix, HP-UX, Apollo Domain and IBM AIX machines; for a limited time, Cadre will reverse engineer the first 100,000 lines of Fortran code for Sun users, free.