Providence, Rhode Island-based Cadre Technologies Inc has announced the first products to come out of its acquisition of Westmount Technology BV (CI No 2,649). VantageTeam Version 4 has a native Windows95 client with a Unix or OpenVMS server. The company announced VantangeTeam, its database application development environment for generating and maintaining Informix-based applications, last month. The main enhanc ement to the latest version is support for both workgroup and enterprise-level development, the company says. Cadre reckons it is also stronger in the areas of configuration management, process control and multiple workgroups than previous releases. VantageTeam for Windows95 is shipping now, and prices start at ú5,000 for personal computers and ú9,000 for Unix. The company said that a release of VantageTeam for Windows NT is imminent.