Factory automation specialist Cadlinc Ltd, Nottingham, has ported its CIM CAD 3D package onto the Sun Microsystems Sun-386i workstation. CIM CAD 3D is a three dimensional wire frame design system providing geometry construction capabilities, 3D construction aids, view creation and manipulation, and automatic drafting and dimensioning. The package is built around a geometric modeller, and enables users to create their own elements in addition to those provided. Using object-orientated code and a new module the software is able to recognise surfaces – as well as points and lines in its geometry base. CIM CAD 3D is claimed to allow easy transition from the 2D version, being based on conventional drawing office drafting and dimensioning techniques. The package is integrated into Unix and revolves around a common user interface, CIM Shell. Communication is supported via Ethernet, and IGES translators facilitate data entry to the Cadlinc database from external sources. A range of other enhancements have also been added to the package, which costs UKP4,000 for the basic wire frame versi.cw 8 on, moving up to UKP7,000 with the inclusion of solids and surfaces modules. It is available only on the Sun 386i at present – Sun and Cadlinc have an agreement to custom build ruggedised workstations for factory floor use if required – but an agreement to use Hewlett-Packard hardware in the US is reported to be under negotiation. Cadlinc is the UK subsidiary of Cimlinc Inc, Elk Grove Village, Illinois, and last year had a turnover of UKP3.5m.