Demonstrating itself an enterprising snapper up of unconsidered trifles (Autolycus in A Winter’s Tale if anyone was wondering) Cabletron Systems Inc, Rochester, New Hampshire is bringing joy where none bloomed before by hiring former employees of troubled New England computer companies such as Digital Equipment Corp and Wang Laboratories Inc. The company told Reuter it is is hiring an average of three people a day, – half of them engineers from its troubled neighbours. I’m one paper towel in a spill of a gallon of milk, the $600m-a-year company’s chairman Craig Benson told the news wire. People from Digital and Wang are dying to get into something exciting, said Benson. Cabletron’s hubs and routers have kept revenues on a 62% compound annual growth rate since 1989, and this month it added a new laboratory and a new factory that will eventually employ about 600 more people. Some 80% of Cabletron’s business comes from the MMAC smart hub, and it forecasts 50% growth this year with the addition of the MMAC-Plus switch designed to link existing local area networks with the emerging Asynchronous Transfer Mode networks, seen as the backbone of the InfoBahn.