Cabletron Systems Inc of Rochester, New Hampshire and Concord Communications Corp, based in Concord, Massachusetts have completed their integration of Concord’s Network Health automated performance reporting and analysis tool and Cabletron’s Spectrum Enterprise Manager. The integrated product will be known as Network Health- Spectrum. While Spectrum offers distributed, proactive network management, Network Health promises the value- added intelligence needed to maximize resources, plan future growth and increase network availability through predictive problem identification. The integration consists of three levels, according to the partners. First, network managers can launch Network Health and use the full suite of Network Health analytics, including automatic baseline tracking, enterprise-wide bandwidth analysis, predictive trend analysis, and exception reporting. Second, managers can click on devices represented on the Spectrum map and easily access Network Health information. In the third level, the product captures the names of managed devices used by Cabletron Spectrum, eliminating the need to re-enter the information represented on the Spectrum network map manually. The companies claim this consistency saves time and enhances ease of use. Network Health-Spectrum will be available this quarter for $7,000. The software runs under Sun Microsystems Inc and Hewlett-Packard Co Unixes – either SunOS 4.1.4 or SunOS 5.4 (Solaris 2.4) from Sun, or HP-UX 9.5 or 9.7 from Hewlett-Packard.