The response to Cable & Wireless Plc to British Telecommunications Plc’s alliance with MCI Communications Corp is to seek partnerships with computer and multimedia companies rather than do deals with other telecommunications companies, chief executive James Ross told the Wall Street Journal in an interview. The company has substantial interests in fibre optic cables that girdle the globe, and it is interested in alliances that will provide the material to increase the volume of traffic on those cables – in particular where an information or service provider is established in one market but has no easy way to expand into other countries. Ross regards alliances with other telephone companies as yesterday’s deals and specifically ruled out an alliance with AT&T Co, which he described in the interview as a gorilla. The really interesting developments are at the top end of the escalator, with telecommunications, computers and video, he said. He said that Cables was talking to many potential partners but does not see significant deals before next year at the earliest – We are in the very early stages of exploring the market.