The offerings are designed identify security vulnerabilities, whether they be known software bugs, weak passwords or configuration errors, and to streamline the process of rectifying them by changing configurations or applying patches.

The problem is that software vendors are publishing vulnerabilities and hackers are figuring out how to exploit those vulnerabilities faster than customers can apply patches, eTrust executive VP Russell Artz said at a press conference.

The inclusion of a software delivery component of CA’s flagship Unicenter software allows Vulnerability Manager to provide remediation for the first time, according to vice president of eTrust Managed Vulnerability Service Marc Camm.

Previously, the software could tell users what to do, but release 8 can actually automate part of the remediation, he said. The system requires agents to be installed on every host, but it can also seek out unknown network-connected hosts.

Also now on offer is Managed Vulnerability Service. CA says it has a VOC, or vulnerability operations center, where security experts monitor customers’ Vulnerability Manager installations and provide pre-tested remediation plans.