C2C, a provider of e-mail, file and messaging offerings, has selected SHI International, a provider of IT Service based in Milton Keynes, to provide e-mail archiving to their customers and develop joint opportunities with C2C.

C2C’s ArchiveOne offerings enable organisations with archiving, retention and eDiscovery of e-mail and files, compliance management, intellectual property containment and storage management tools.

SHI International regional director Craig Langley said the combination of support and integration services from the company will enable organisations to quickly and cost effectively optimise e-mail archiving and data management offerings from C2C.

C2C CEO Dave Hunt said the need for better corporate preparedness from business departments such as HR, Legal, Audit, and Compliance for larger organisations is driving a third wave of archiving adoption to support their needs.

"SHI can offer advice, support and integration for the most appropriate and cost-effective archiving offering," Hunt said.