Database query and reporting tools company, Business Objects SA has announced the latest release of its enterprise query, reporting and online analytical processing product for the web, WebIntelligence II. The product, which previously traveled under the name of Darwin and was first dubbed WebIntelligence in June last year (CI No 3,182), has been updated to include extranet deployment and a new OLAP module for drilling and charting. The dual Paris and San Jose headquartered company is pitching WebIntelligence II at corporate blue chip companies. WebIntelligence II is based on a Java applet that utilizes digital certificate technology from VeriSign Inc. As well as the new extranet capability, a new OLAP module called WebIntelligence Explorer, has been added for analyzing charts and tables. While Business Objects is up against a barrage of competition in the OLAP query space, with Oracle Corp one of the contenders, BO’s UK marketing manager, Charles Nicholls claims the extranet functionality of the product sets it apart. Business Objects generated $34.6m in revenue in the first quarter this year and 10% of that was generated from WebIntelligence. The Nasdaq quoted company, which has 800 staff on the payroll, will release WebIntelligence II on a global basis within the next two months. It is priced at $600 per user, and the WebIntelligence Explorer module is an additional $400 per user.