Bursa Malaysia Derivatives will offer white labeled versions of Patsystems J-Trader and Pro-Mark front-ends as options to the trading community who wish to access Bursa Malaysia Derivatives products. Both front-ends can be deployed over the internet, enabling the Bursa Malaysia Derivatives market more accessible to the global marketplace.

The OMS will provide Bursa Malaysia Derivatives with order routing, straight through processing and pre-trade risk management.

Barry White, regional director of Asia Pacific at Patsystems, said: “We are extremely excited to have been selected as the front-end provider for Bursa Malaysia Derivatives’ electronic trading platform. Patsystems has successfully provided technology services to members of Bursa Malaysia Derivatives, which has resulted in greater volume for the exchange.”

Chong Kim Seng, CEO of Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Berhad, said: “The exchange chose Patsystems because of the accessibility and flexibility of their front-end technology which is an essential requirement for supporting our future growth plans.”