With the prospect of being called Telekom and having to try to become a little entrepreneurial, the Deutsche Bundespost – the most entirely wonderful organisation, public or private, in the entire universe, we are assured by a subscriber – is still, not to put too fine a point on it, a little straitlaced, so it must have caused the kind of palpitations in Bonn that even Barbara Cartland prefers to leave to her readers’ imaginations when the good Bundesburghers discovered that the innocent little message Publisher for a Better Life – Besserlebeneingaber? We are not told – merrily running around the Federal Republic on the sides of 5,000 mail vans under a $2m one-year contract was none other than a front for the Little Green Book: the Better Living Publishing Company has just one title in its list – the German version of the thoughts of Libyan leader Colonel Moammar Gadhafi; Dm3.5m are now winging their way straight back to Tripoli while the postleute look for something a bit less controversial with which to decorate the sides of their vans.