Java development tools shop BulletProof Corp will ship the third major version of its JDesignerPro Java development tool on September 1. The Los Gatos, California company is now pitching the tool as a server-side application builder, as is the current vogue in Java. New this time is a method explorer that displays the breakdown of Java classes, showing which methods call which variables and other methods, and so on. The tool will also open Java classes created with any other tool, says the company. It can be used to create Java client applications, server session and entity modules, Enterprise Java Bean session and entity Beans and Java components. And the new SQL Wizard enable developers to add SQL statements to code with a few mouse clicks. JDesignerPro competes directly with Symantec’s Cafe, Microsoft’s Visual J++ and Inprise Inc’s JBuilder. Version 3.0 arrives 18 months after version 2.0, although there have been numerous dot releases since then (08/01/97). JDesigner Pro is up on Windows 95/NT, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, NetWare and supports Oracle Informix, Sybase and all ODBC/JDBC complaint databases. No prices yet.