Intranet specialist BulletProof Corp has improved its JDesignerPro Java client-server interface tool in several areas to keep a steam up over the likes of PowerBuilder and Visual Basic. Version 2.1 now includes integrated database access, the company’s Jaggserver middleware, 30 built-in components, and the option to manually edit code. Jaggserver is handles the transmission of data and requests to and from JDesignerPro client applications. Jaggserver-to-Java client messaging is built into JDesignerPro-based applications. The Los Gatos, Californian-based company says it can be used for developing Java applets with little or no hand coding and can create almost any form of Java database front-end to a JDBC or ODBC data-compatible source for the internet or intranets. Components may be removed, changed, or tied to a different database, and JDesignerPro will handle all code modifications automatically, it claims. Other features include an Instance Manager for importing JavaBeans and Java components. It’s a visual tool enabling the developer to create an instance of a JavaBean, which makes it usable in the development system as though it were a JDesignerPro native component which should mean no more hand coding of constructors or methods and stuff. The Interaction Manager is a point-and- click system for linking objects and creating action events that requires no hand coding. JDesignerPro is compatible with Netscape and Microsoft servers and browsers, as well as other Java development tools such as Visual J++ and Symantec Cafe. Entry level prices go from $200, standard developer systems from $700.