Announcing three models in a new Questar 700 Unix line in Paris yesterday, Bull SA claimed that it was number three in the French Unix market with 46% by number of the Unix minis and 15% of Unix supermicros installed – adding that by 1990, it wanted 12% of its business to be with Unix systems. The new Questar 700s are 68020-bas- ed, the 700/15 having two CPUs and up to 6Mb memory, the 700/20 having four processors and up to 8Mb memo- ry, and the 700/30, designed for development, having 10 processors and up to 16Mb. They support both bisync/SNA and open systems commun- ications, and include a service processor for remote diagnostics. Bull also announced a Partenaires scheme offering marketing services for resellers of the new machines.