Bull today also takes on the likes of Compaq with the first portable Micral since its R2E acquisition introduced the world’s first portable micro, the Micral Valise, back in 1977. The new 10 lbs Micral Attache’ has several innovations, notably a system unit with screen, backing RAM and ROM, keyboard and modem, that can be lifted out of the portable unit to create a 4.2 lbs lap- top. The Attache’, processor unspecified, but pres-umably an 8088 or 8086, is $3,200 with two 720Kb floppies, $4,500 with one and a 20Mb Winchester; the carrying case is designed to hold printer and spare floppies. A 6MHz 80286-based Micral 35 replaces the Micral 30, and costs $2,500 with two 1.2Mb floppies, $3,200 with 20Mb hard disk. It runs the Prologue operating system, popular in France, as well as MS-DOS, and supports the Micral-Net Starlan local net. Bull is promising an 80386-based Micral for the first quarter of 1988, and has committed to Microsoft’s Windows/386 and OS/2 operating system.