Compagnie des Machines Bull SA announced yesterday that it has expanded the number of software and communications products offered under its Distributed Computing Model to the DPX/20 Unix and DPS GCOS systems, and it introduced two new models of the DPX/20, based on IBM’s Power RISC architecture. For the DPX/20 line, Bull has introduced its ImageWorks document management software, itsIntegrated System Management system and network management software and ISO/DSA and OSI networking capabilities. For all of its product lines, including the DPS mainframes, Bull announced EDIWorks, software designed to facilitate Electronic Data Interchange. The two new DPX/20 systems, the models 660 and 830, are said to offer 37% and 24% faster performance, respectively, and they will be available for shipment next month. An entry-level configuration for the model 660 costs $70,000 and includes includes the 62.5-Mhz CPU, 64Mb memory, SCSI controller, two 1Gb disk drives, a 525Mb tape drive and the BOS/X operating system. The entry-level rack-mount model 830 includes the CPU, 64Mb memory, SCSI controller, two 1.37Gb disk drives, a CD-ROM drive, a 5Gb Digital Audio Tape drive, and BOS/X, all for $123,000. Subsidiaries will be free to set their own prices.