Bull HN Information Systems has launched new models in its Intel Corp and Motorola Inc-based DPX/2 Unix workstation lines, while cutting prices on existing boxes. The Model 250 uses a 25MHz Motorola 68040 part, is rated at 15 MIPS, comes with from 4Mb to 55Mb memory, 155Mb to 3Gb disk, supports up to 48 concurrent users and costs from $10,500. It is not upgradeable to the high-end Model 360 multiprocessor which uses the same chips because the cabinets are different. The Model 150 ETS uses a 33MHz Intel 80486 chip and runs Santa Cruz Operation Inc Unix, as opposed to the Interactive Systems Corp-supplied Unix that earlier models have used. The EISA bus machine starts at $14,000 with from 8Mb to 64Mb RAM and 338Mb to 2.4Gb disk. The Model 360 68040-based multiprocessor is down to $15,500 from $20,500, the 68030-based Models 320 and 340 are down from $16,000 and $20,000 to $11,000 and $13,000 respectively. The Model 210 uniprocessor is cut from $7,350 to $6,200. The Intel and MIPS Computer Systems Inc-based DP/X 2s remain as before. With three separate and incompatible architectures in the same line, it could be that Bull is fattening one of its geese for slaughter.