Compagnie des Machines Bull SA said that the drastic restructuring it began late in 1990 helped it narrow its net loss in the first half of the year, Reuter reports from Paris. The company still aims to break even by the end of 1992, but given the depressed computer markets it is hard to predict results, the company said. The net loss for the first half was equivalent to $336.5m, down from $386.3m in the same period last year. Loss at the operating level was $170.6m against $256.9m a year ago, and like Unisys Corp, the company is shrinking turnover fell 9.6% to $2,750m because of fierce competition and depressed computer markets, the company said. Bull has cut its workforce by some 20% and closed factories during the period, as well as establishing its technical tie-up with IBM Corp.