Following the acquisition of Pick-popper Trifid Software Ltd in November 1987 (CI No 831), Kewill Systems Plc reports pre-tax profits for the six months to September 30 of UKP726,000, a 69% increase on the same period last year. Commenting on the figures, chairman J K Overstall notes that Trifid, working with mid-range computer vendors such as IBM, Honeywell, Prime Computer, Electronic Data Processing Plc, and McDonnell Douglas Information Systems, has increased the number of manufacturing management systems it installs, and has won contracts from Metal Box, GEC, and the Royal National Lifeboat Institute. The company expects more contracts in the IBM arena and is looking for further growth with the Pick operating system. Having received backing from the Department of Trade & Industry for the development of the Next Generation Product, Kewill is confident that it will soon have a base product which can be given different market applications to suit the operations of its various divisions. Since September 30 Kewill has, for a sum of UKP800,000, bought freehold premises at Woodside Park, Congleton, to accomodate Trifid. Furthermore, in December, the company acquired the Salford-based computer services division of Lawtex Plc, Xetal Systems, which supplies management, and electronic data imaging, systems to clothing manufacturers. The new company, Kewill-Xetal Systems Ltd has made a profit in its first month, and Kewill says it is interested in a number of further acquisition possibilities that have opened up.