We are discussing how to improve the performance of Concert with AT&T and we don’t speculate in public about what might develop out of that, BT spokeswoman Nicola Rossi said.

At this stage, we are not ruling anything in and we are not ruling anything out, she said.

Rossi was responding to questions about a report in the Daily Telegraph which said BT’s Finance Director Philip Hampton had hinted during a dinner meeting with fund managers this week that BT was contemplating disposing of Concert.

She said BT would not confirm whether investor meetings had taken place, but added that if such meetings were held they would only involve general discussions. However, BT has pledged to cut one third from its 30 billion pound debt burden, built up as a result of acquisitions and purchases of third-generation mobile phone licenses, by March 2002, and Concert could be laid to rest in a bid to attain this.