The global communications provider will use Kalido’s active information management platform to centrally manage master data definitions (i.e. customer, product, supplier, etc) for finance.

The software is being deployed as part of BT’s Chorus Project, which is a global ERP initiative. It will eventually be extended across BT’s customer and procurement divisions as well.

Kalido is also helping BT to shore-up its master data consistency across 100-plus Oracle applications and databases.

Kalido is a UK-founded company that has since relocated its headquarters to Burlington, Massachusetts. BT is a typical customer for Kalido as it is has multi-global operations spanning across 170 countries. Others include Shell and Unilever.

The size of the deal in monetary tersm has not been disclosed. But most of Kalido’s enterprise-wide deals are million-dollar plus.

With multiple silos of data and platforms that don’t effectively talk to one another, we require a flexible and cost-effective solution to manage reference data and deliver reliable performance management reports, said Martin Hunter, head of reference data management in BT’s Group Finance division.

Hunter said that BT chose Kalido for its maturity, time-variance management, and cross-subject area capabilities.

After initially focusing on enterprise data warehousing, Kalido first introduced MDM capabilities into its platform in September 2004. In February this year it released its third-generation MDM product that added better support for corporate governance and stewardship processes.

Kalido’s software is installed at over 250 sites across 100 countries worldwide. The company was spun out from an internal data warehousing project at the Royal Dutch Shell company in the UK in 2003. It is privately-held and venture backed.