Satellite broadcaster British Sky Broadcasting (BSkyB) has sued digital pen maker Livescribe over alleged trademark infringement of its Sky brand.

BSkyB claims that Livescribe’s Sky WiFi Smartpen breaches its ‘Sky’ trademarks. The company also sued Dixons Retail, which sold the device in the UK.

Livescribe stopped selling the product in the UK stores after being sued by the satellite broadcaster.

Sky WiFi Smartpen has the capacity to record audio and transfer the data wirelessly to its owners’ computers.

Livescribe issued a statement which said: "Legal counsel for BSB has written to Livescribe alleging that we are infringing the trademark rights of BSB. We are currently taking legal advice from our counsel in the UK. While Livescribe does not offer any goods or services similar to those of BSB, out of an abundance of caution we have instructed our distributors and resellers in the UK to stop selling the Livescribe Sky Wi-Fi smartpens in the interim while we investigate the matter."

BSkyB was quoted by the Financial Times as saying that "We regard the use of the Sky name as a clear infringement of our well-established Sky brand."

Earlier this year, BSkyB revealed that it is boosting its production of original British content by 50% over three years, which will help it compete with its ‘new media’ rivals.