Now entering its sixth year as a DemandTec customer, Brookshire Grocery uses the DemandTec solutions to support pricing in over 150 stores. Brookshire Grocery uses DemandTec Price to optimize and manage everyday prices for their products and DemandTec Promotion to plan promotions that better meet their business objectives.

Both applications work together and leverage the consumer demand management science built into the DemandTec platform to help retailers quantify and shape consumer demand with more effective merchandising and marketing decisions.

Randy Duke, senior vice president of category management at Brookshire Grocery Company, said: We continue to see great results from DemandTec applications. Our use of their solutions is delivering benefits both to our customers in the form of better prices and to our company in the form of better margins.

Dan Fishback, president and CEO of DemandTec, said: DemandTec is committed to providing the consumer, demand and market insights that will help Brookshire Grocery differentiate their retail offerings in a very competitive environment. We’re pleased with this opportunity to continue to provide Brookshire’s with a powerful competitive advantage.