BroadSoft, a provider of VoIP applications, has teamed with IBM to bring communication service providers a standards-based application infrastructure to support the creation of new Web 2.0-oriented communications services.

Through its Xtended program, which was launched to drive the integration of voice and Web 2.0 using established internet standards, BroadSoft said that it enables communication service providers to offer enhanced, productivity-improving services that extend the value of their telephony offering into mainstream business and consumer applications and drive new services revenue.

The combined BroadSoft and IBM technology provides an IP multimedia subsystem-ready application infrastructure, which reportedly allows for simplified integration of rich voice applications with Web 2.0, social networking and business process applications. The platform offers interfaces that enable providers to extend new services to fixed and mobile endpoints across both legacy and next-generation networks, according to BroadSoft. The system integrates BroadSoft’s VoIP application platform, BroadWorks, and its Xtended Web Services with IBM WebSphere and IBM Rational using IBM’s Service Provider Delivery Framework 3.0.

David Walters, director of business development at BroadSoft, said: BroadSoft and IBM are giving providers the agility they need to meet new customer demands and to quickly develop and deploy advanced, revenue-generating communications solutions that are most important to their customers. This offering exemplifies true partner collaboration – two industry leaders working together to solve our customers’ challenges.