British Telecom’s V29, V32 and V33 modems are to be marketed in North America by the Mitel Datacom unit of its 51% Canadian subsidiary: the DM4962X is a 9,600/4,800bps full duplex two-wire modem to CCITT V32 standards; the DM4141X is a 14,400/12,000/9,600 bps full-duplex four-wire trellis-encoded modem to CCITT V33; and the DM4960FTX is a four-wire private or two-wire Public Switched Telephone Network to CCITT V29, at 9,600/7,200/4,800/2,400bps; the modems were designed at Telecom’s Martlesham lab, but the company couldn’t immediately say which UK firm was manufacturing them.