British Telecommunications Plc has integrated its value added network services – including BT Tymnet DialCom services such as Telecom Gold, the UK IPSS services and international PSS – into one package. It is called Global Network Services and is designed to provide one-stop-shopping for companies with international networking requirements. The full service, including sales, support and management centres will be provided in 20 countries, covering Europe, the US and the Far East. Network nodes operated by BT Tymnet will enable the value added services to be provided in 18 of the 20. In 34 other countries, where the public data network is based on Tymnet technology, enhanced gateways enabling services similar to those of the Global Network Services will be available. There will be a standard gateway service to 50 other countries. Electronic data interchange will not be available on the GNS network, although it will continue to be available over BT Tymnet in the US. Telecom says that EDI will eventually be available over the entire network – an announcement will be made at the EDI ’90 conference in October. Telecom’s international network management service, Concert (CI No 1,395), launched earlier this year, will also be eventually integrated into the service. Companies currently using all the Telecom facilities are in effect Global Network Service users already. These will be given the option of switching to becoming GNS customers proper, to take advantage of its service facilities and different pricing structures. GNS customers will be able to pay-as-they-use the service, or for larger companies, to pay in advance. Billing will be presented in one currency, the rates of which will be fixed for certain time periods. In the UK, Telecom’s network service level has been stepped up and now includes a guaranteed service time, so companies are not left wondering when Telecom will get round to them.