David Clarke BCS

David Clarke, CEO at the BCS

The chief executive of the British Computer Society (BCS), David Clarke, has been awarded an MBE in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours list for services to the IT industry.

Clarke became CEO of BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT, in May 2002. He is said to have transformed BCS into the professional body it is today. Under his management, membership of BCS has risen from 38,000 to 70,000; revenues have grown by 150% and the Institute’s reserves have trebled to £12m.

"I am absolutely delighted to be honoured in this way," said Clarke. "I am very proud to be part of the IT industry which is one of the most exciting professions of our time. It truly is at the heart of much of our society today."

Recently the Institute invested in a major transformation programme with the aim of ensuring its relevance to IT professionals worldwide and achieving its vision of being a world-class organisation for IT.

Elizabeth Sparrow, president of BCS said: "I am delighted that David has been recognised for his contribution to the IT industry. David has worked tirelessly for the Chartered Institute since 2002 and the organisation has prospered under his leadership and vision."

"The standing of the Institute’s qualifications has never been higher; we are highly respected for our contributions to academic and industrial discussion and our "Professionalism in IT" initiative, devised and launched by David, has been adopted internationally," Sparrow said. "Very importantly, David has helped to secure the Institute’s financial standing; our annual revenues have more than doubled; our reserves have trebled and we are meeting our forecasts despite the difficult economic conditions."

Clarke has a career spanning nearly 30 years involving IT systems. Prior to joining BCS, he was head of Trinity Mirror’s Digital Media Division during which time he was responsible for managing the development a large scale UK digital media business which went on to become one of the UK’s top 5 internet portals.

As Director, Clarke was responsible for all of Trinity Mirror’s digital media companies which included one of the UK’s leading and fastest-growing ISPs, ic24. During his five years as director with Trinity Mirror, ic24 was voted UK ISP of the year for FY2000 four times. Prior to that role Clarke was a director Virgin, reporting directly to Richard Branson and where he headed up all of Virgin’s new media and internet activities.

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