Bristol Technology Inc has signed up Siemens Nixdorf Information Systems AG in a collaborative deal that will see Bristol’s Wind/U cross-platform application development software up on Siemens Nixdorf RM servers runing SNI’s Reliant Unix. SNI says it wants the software to help its customers port Windows NT applications over to Unix, and has already carried out its first project, with Italian telecoms company Italtel SpA, using SNI’s WorkParty NT- based workflow product on RM servers. Bristol says the deal will boost its market share for European cross-platform development software. Bristol says it’s also working with Digital Equipment Corp to deliver Microsoft’s COM component object model on its proprietary OpenVMS operating system. Although DEC is working on its own implementation of COM for both Unix and OpenVMS (CI No 3,334), Bristol says it will provide infrastructure support for DEC’s efforts and leverage COM on OpenVMS with Wind/U. Initial customer beta testing for COM on OpenVMS, due out later this year as part of the next OpenVMS release, has already begun.