On November 4, Brio Technology Inc, the Mountain View, California-based decision support tools vendor will release an on-line analytical processing scheduling server for use over the Internet and intranets. It will be used in conjunction with its BrioQuery Enterprise integrated query and on-line analysis tool (CI No 2,720), enabling users to schedule query processing over the network. The kit, as yet unnamed, will include viewer and analysis plug-ins and can be implemented either from Netscape Communications Corp’s Navigator or Microsoft Corp Explorer browser. The viewer plug-in will enable simple access to static Web pages, while the analysis plug-in will enable users to control the drill-down process from their desk-tops. John Morley, managing director of Brio Technology UK, believes the server’s analysis plug-in adds value, and differentiates it from competitors’ current offerings. The associated distribution data and program code will be downloadable from Brio’s Web server. The server will run under seven variants of Unix, all Windows formats and on Macintosh. All versions will ship simultaneously.