G&D says that its cards make electronic certification of documents by a notary public more efficient. The firm has been supplying Brazil’s government agencies and private institutions with cards for its public key infrastructure since 2004.

The Brazilian chamber of notaries will be using the signature cards, which also serve as ID cards, to optimize correspondence with its clients. Next, the association is planning to issue the cards to third parties, for example, its clients, corporations, or interested citizens. Anoreg says that it will then assume the role of a trusted third party. That is, a certificate authority for official and legally binding transactions over the internet.

As a certificate authority, its task will be to personalize the signature cards and equip them with the certificates required for the digital signature, thereby offering a secure, closed public key infrastructure.

The cards being supplied by G&D are powered by the STARCOS SPK 2.4 smart card operating system, which offers asymmetric encryption using RSA keys with a length of up to 1,024 bits. The vendor says that its digital signature function has received ITSEC E4 high certification, and meets the most demanding security requirements.