BrainTech Inc, the firm that has had more success is designing its BrainTron pattern recognition microprocessor than finding applications for it, is having a go at applying its capabilities to video recognition, and has won long-term financing from First Colonial Funds Ltd to enable it to pursue its dreams. First Colonial will provide Austin, Texas and Vancouver-based BrainTech with up to $11m in equity financing over the next 12 months in exchange for about 5m shares. BrainTech intends to use proceeds from the first tranche to complete work on its video recognition technology. BrainTech is combining the BrainTron microprocessor with a live video feed to create a video recognition system that can detect and classify objects in real time – 30 mS or less. The parallel BrainTron is claimed to process pattern-matching algorithms up to 1,000 times faster than the Pentium.