BP Chemicals, the petrochemicals, intermediates, plastics and specialities business of BP plc, chose Axon’s Telecredit and Telequery solutions after a detailed competitive evaluation of the products available. BP Chemicals chose Axon’s software as it was the only one which is fully integrated into SAP’s Financial software. It will be implemented globally and will support BP’s single ERP programme.

Telecredit and Telequery supplement SAP’s credit management functionality with the ability to reduce Day Sales Outstanding (DSO) and better cash flow, resulting in bottom line improvements. The Axon modules will also support a greater customer focus, particularly where disputed invoicing is involved, by enabling greater visibility of disputes and improving their tracking and resolution.

Ken Greenslade, SAP Project Manager for BP Chemicals, says: When we wanted to replace our in-house legacy debtor management software, we found that all the packages apart from Telecredit/Telequery needed to be integrated with the SAP financials that we were implementing. Axon had already overcome this problem with its Telecredit and Telequery software. The package will contribute to our global focus on managing working capital.